Pro Murder or Pro Life? (1 viewing)
Is pro choice about making a choice? Is an embryo not life? Are any lives worth more or less? Is the murder of a pregnant woman a single murder or double murder? Would that depend on the women's choice? What factors should count towards defining that choice? Common "choices" are what we eat for breakfast.
Biden Missile Crisis
The US and Russia both have over 60 nuclear armed submarines, and many, too many other nuclear delivery systems that are on alert, now is not the time to play games. We are one oversight, one mistake, one miscommunication, one itch away from worldwide destruction. Total dead so far are estimated to be around 850,000 before current Novembers escalation with Bidens greenlight to utilize long range weapons to strike Russian targets on Russian soil. There are many interpretations of this war, conflict, or special operations, whatever people choose this quagmire. There are many players, aside from Russia and Ukraine, and their citizens, who should be the ones making the decisions. One enemy which should be immediately irradiated, would be globalists interests. That is a common goal with both Putin and Trump, which can be easily achieved, and would create a firm foundation for new world peace. Can we wait 63 more days (at time of writing) without another mistake that can cause irreversible escalations? God help us.